Naturally Vegan Health & FitnessⓋ

Health & Wellness

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Things I've Learned...

Since going high raw vegan, I have learned some very interesting (and funny) things about my fellow humans. When I began my journey, I had joined groups, followed pages, and read many blogs looking for support. What I found was somewhat hilarious, and a bit sad at the same time! So here are some of my favorites!!!

People love to hear good news about their bad habits! You know what I mean, like the article that comes out stating wine is great for your health....yay, ladies drink up! Lol! Seriously. If you do enough research you could probably find the health benefits of heroin. Understanding the difference between health food and food which may be harmful to your health BUT contains antioxidants is very different! Yes antioxidants are good for you, but try to get them from whole food sources...not alcohol!

I learned the word VEGAN is highly misused and misrepresented! Becoming a vegan is a huge but beautiful commitment...not a diet. It is a lifestyle you work on daily. You have to spend time educating yourself about animal rights, the environment, as well as food production. Many who say they are vegan, well, they are just on a plant based (sometimes) diet, lol. Sometimes they eat dairy, sometimes they eat meat, and they almost always eat honey...and they shop for leather shoes without hesitation! I highly urge anyone who is looking to change their life for the better to look into veganism as a lifestyle. The impact you make on your health, mental and physical, the planet, and the animals is incredible! It is a feel good lifestyle.

Nutritionist are everywhere...especially the moment they discover you are vegan! 'I read somewhere, something, about how vegans need B12 supplements or they will die'....really, do you know what B12 is? 'Yeah, it's like a supplement, right?' Not even kidding! I have these type of conversations on a regular basis! Things like 'raw food is so bad for you, you should really eat more cooked food'!!!     Right, because nature got it wrong and McDonald's got it right! Yikes, I highly recommend everyone
do some research on a plant based diet as well as Natural Hygiene, not only will it help you with your own health, but you will better understand nutrition! And when I say do some reading, I don't mean reading articles sponsored by the dairy association, I mean, read some books by those living and thriving on this lifestyle. See where the author is NOW, are they healthy, fit, active? Or are they overweight, sick, and sedentary? A great example is the author and 'founder' of The Paleo Diet, he is now overweight...from taking his own bad advice!

When I began eating large fruit meals, I began getting some strange looks and of course many worried about my health, lol! What I find so hilarious about this, is if I was eating cookies, drinking numerous cups of coffee, and having protein shakes for lunch, no one would bat an eye!!! But a meal consisting for fresh raw fruit sends people into a panic, lol! Boy do we live in a strange world! Maybe all the processed food has made us crazy.

People want to lose weight more than anything. They are willing to count very single piece of food they eat, just so they don't go over their calorie allowance for the day. The thought of removing unhealthy food, so they can not only feel better, but also be able to eat MORE of the good stuff seems crazy to them. Why not focus on health? Eat food that nourishes you, gives you energy, and heals you
from the inside out! Not only is eating for your health a wonderful abundant lifestyle, but it also rids you of junk food cravings! It may not be a quick fix, you may not lose weight immediately, but your health WILL improve, your energy will improve, and your LIFE will improve!

The biggest thing I have learned is that people use and abuse food on a daily basis and will defend it to the bitter end. No matter how poor their health is, not even a cancer diagnosis will change their ways.  The most heartbreaking part of this journey is watching others slowly poison themselves with food. Why change your diet if you can just take a pill to cover up the symptoms of poor health, right?  Food can be just as dangerous if not more dangerous than any drug on the market. It can be abused daily without anyone ever questioning it. It is the saddest part of my journey. Watching others destroy their health on a daily basis.