Naturally Vegan Health & FitnessⓋ

Health & Wellness

Monday, May 9, 2016

Health NOT Weight Loss

Want to lose weight? Want to have a fit and lean body? If you do, and are focused on weight loss,  you will never be successful! I know, it sounds awful, but it is the truth! The focus HAS to be health. Health is the key to not only a fantastic body, but also a happy life!

Weight loss focuses on a very negative process. The word LOSS in itself is negative. When your goal is to lose weight, your energy is placed only on a number or specific size, not what you gain! Changing your focus on your overall health, you create a loving and positive state of mind! Your entire life will change!  

Diet and weight loss is usually temporary, results come and go. It creates an emotional roller coaster, poor self esteem, and ends in a massive lack of motivation. The average person who begins a 'diet' fails within 30 days! The average person who loses 20lbs on a diet, gains it back shortly after, in addition to an another 10lbs! I worked at a gym for years, and those who's goal was to only lose weight, were never successful long term. 

Your health is your LIFE! Good health IS happiness, it involves doing work on your mind and your body, not your weight. So, get the weight off your mind, and refocus your energy on creating a healthy happy SELF. It will be a transformation, with life long results! Here is my path for great health:

*Sleep! Get 8 hours of sleep nightly whenever possible. Our lives can be hectic and some days 8 full hours are not possible, but do your best to get some rest! The body responds best to a 10pm-6am sleep time. Start a relaxing routine at 8pm. Read a book, listen to quiet music, watch a light and fun movie. Don't discuss bills, money, work, or stressful life issues.  

*Eat whole plant foods. Eating to nourish the body is extremely important. The human body requires  constant fuel. We are herbivores, and if you ever see herbivores in nature, they graze all day long. This keeps them fueled and able to keep moving! Plant foods provide us with the most nutrient dense calories. Plants are the perfect food. They contain fiber, water, and carbohydrates, all things we need to survive. Do not cut or decrease your food source. Calories from healthy plant foods can be eaten in abundance, and should be. If you want to be a vibrant human, do not deny yourself fuel! 

*Exercise. Do it daily if you can. We already know that 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise is recommended by all health professionals, but changing two or three of those days to an intense workout will provide you with even better results. Intense workouts push your body and help develop stronger muscles, including your heart and lungs! Exercise is an incredible stress relief and an antidepressant, doing it daily will transform your body and create a healthy clear mind. Again, look at herbivores in nature, they are in constant motion. Roaming the earth, ready to sprint at a moments notice. We are designed to do the same!

*Focus on the happiness within. We are surrounded by so much stress and pressure in our daily lives. The desire to buy more, work more, be better, look better, and be sucessfull, has become such a burden on our lives. It has become almost impossible to keep up with society's standards, and those standards are all superficial. Happiness comes from within. Being content, relaxed, compassionate, and loving is the recipe for pure joy. Let stress go, move past the anger, accept what is, and move on! Do not compare your life to anyone else's, comparison is the thief of JOY!

*Spend time outdoors. There is nothing you can buy or do that is better than nature! Take off your shoes and feel the earth beneath your feet, take deep long breaths of fresh air, and soak up the sunshine. Modern life has created such an unhealthy and sterile environment for us. We have been conditioned to work indoors for long hours, sitting in temperature controlled rooms, sitting in chairs or standing on hard surfaces, and exercising inside. We've completely separated ourselves from nature. The human body requires time spent in nature. It is truly a 'vitamin' we cannot live without.
Nature helps with depression, anxiety, and stress, all you have to do is open your front door and its there for you to enjoy! Next time you want to exercise, skip the gym and go for a hike or a run! 

*Stay away from drugs and alcohol.. If your life requires mind altering drugs/drinks to happy, relaxed, or confident....then you are doing it wrong. 

Following a path towards great health will result in a the body you desire! Stop focusing on the loss of weight, and focus on a healthy LIFE.