Naturally Vegan Health & FitnessⓋ

Health & Wellness

Sunday, March 24, 2013

I have a really hard time with people making bad decisions for themselves, knowing exactly what they are doing. Maybe 20 years ago, we didn't know any better. We were fooled by products like "sugar free" and "low-fat" which at the time were promoted as health foods. Fast food was something every family ate, packaged food and microwave dinners were new and convenient, and soda was the normal drink with dinner. Fast forward to today and for many of us these practices are no longer part of our lives. With study after study proving these practices are detrimental to our health, and more education is available about eating whole organic foods, we have removed these awful "traditions"...while others prefer to continue with the excuse "everything in moderation".  I hate this saying. It just makes no sense?!?!?!  It is used to excuse pretty much every behavior or decision. So, what the heck does moderation mean? Once a week, once a day, once a year? Wikipedia defines moderation as: 

**Moderation is the process of eliminating or lessening extremes. It is used to ensure normality throughout the medium on which it is being conducted. Common uses of moderation include:

So now that we know what moderation means, "the processes of eliminating or lessening extremes", how do we decide what is acceptable in moderation? cigarettes, drugs, drinking, sleeping, exercise, good food, bad food, fighting, bullying?

the "new" moderation food pyramid
I guess we decide based on what we are addicted to or want to do without guilt? what society think is "ok"? Most would agree that "drugs" are not ok....yet we take over the counter drugs all the time. Some even take numerous drugs everyday. So drugs are no longer being used in "moderation" but in excess. What about bad food? The average american eats most of their food from a box, a can, or restaurant. Most of these should not even be called food (because food is our fuel & our nutrition source, which these foods do not supply). We should rename them health-destroyers. So if the average person consumes 90% "health destroyers" during the day...that is no longer "moderation" it is now in excess. What I am understanding from the misuse of the word, it's an excuse to abuse food, drugs, alcohol, or any other activity we know is bad, with no intent to lessen or eliminate.

For example, I exercise. I do it regularly. I don't believe it should be done in moderation because the definition states "the process of eliminating or lessening extremes". Daily exercise is not an extreme, it is actually recommend by EVERY health/wellness/and medical professional. I sleep every night therefore it is NOT moderation, I eat fruit everyday, therefore it's NOT moderation, I read everyday, therefore it's NOT moderation. Get it? Is it making sense? 
that's more like it!

We have become a society of abusers, we even abuse the use of words. Mostly to make ourselves feel better about our terrible choices. So when you say you eat fast food in moderation, or take drugs in moderation, or drink in moderation, take a closer look at what you are saying and doing. Would you allow your child to use drugs everyday, or drink alcohol everyday, or smoke everyday? No, and most of us wouldn't want our kids doing this in the "real" moderation.  But this is what we are teaching our kids. Every time you say "it's ok in moderation" and use this sentence on a regular basis, you are teaching your child that "moderation" means everyday, or often! You are making bad choices and making excuses for those choices. I don't like to use the word moderation, it's a cop out or a lame excuse for doing something I know I shouldn't be doing. So if you make bad choices all the time, please don't use the word moderation. Just be proud and say...yup, I do it all the time. 

So if the "new" moderation means "every day or often"...try doing these things instead:
-eat clean, natural, whole foods
-get educated
-be honest with yourself
-smile, laugh, and be happy

As we all continue to better ourselves, educate ourselves, and raise amazing kids, let's start with the basics. Let's be honest with ourselves. What is our intent? What kind of future do we want to see for ourselves and our kids? Are we setting great examples? 
Maybe some of the major issues we are having as a nation can be lessened if we stop making excuses for our behavior. Imagine if the child who is depressed, angry, or suffering from all sorts of mental/behavioral disorders was no longer a "medical" issue but a lifestyle issue? What if changing some of the things we do in "moderation" can change the life of a child or suffering adult? What if we are slowly poisoning ourselves and our kids with this "new" moderation? 

Something to think about. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Q & A everyday ;)

 As soon as the word Vegan came out of my mouth...the questions began. I really wasn't prepared to answer so many questions. Some of the most common one's, "where do you get your protein" and "what do you do for calcium" I understand, because people really don't know. Some other questions...they're kinda funny!!

Here goes:
What do you feed your child? Um...nothing why?
poor kid, lol!

You must miss meat so bad? Yes so badly. Yesterday was the first day I have gone without crying! Sometimes I sit curled in a ball yelling "why can't I just have my meat...whhhhyyyyy"! Oh wait...that's not true ;)
"waaaaa, I want my meat back"
Aren't you tired of eating vegan all the time? YES!!! I swear with the amazing variety of greens, veggies, fruit, potatoes, and beans...I am so bored :/ All I really want is a chicken nugget :( haha...just kidding :) boring :/
oh God....please no more boring veggies!!!!
Are you sick or  do you have an allergy? Yes, extremely. I went to this weird doctor who prescribed "food" as my medicine, lol. But really, is that the only reason people eat a plant-based diet??
feeling soooo much better! This medicine is incredible!!
You can't possibly be full after eating just fruit? nom, nom, nom, nom, nom....what? nom, nom, nom, nom....mmmm, I'm still hungry ;) just kidding, I'm full!

cantaloup will fill you right up!

What do you mean you buy A LOT of fruit? You know like a banana or two or 10, whatever:)
fruit stash
I was told that bananas make you fat. Don't you worry about gaining weight? Everyday. I am really concerned. Let me see what Banana Girl thinks:
"look how fat bananas made me"
You're a Vegan? Do You eat eggs or fish? Yes, lol, all the time ;) eggs or fish
Really? No cheese? Ever? let me think....nope. no cheese! And I am doing just fine :) I was recently diagnosed with "perfectly healthy" can you believe it!?!?!

Don't you want to just enjoy eating food? Nope. I want to hate every meal! 
wish my food was more enjoyable :(

and this??? oh God!!!!
Questions are great...but some are just funny! Here are my real answers if you were wondering, lol! -I feed my child food. Really good, healthy food. That is probably the thing I am most proud of. My child gets amazing home cooked meals every day! He isn't raised on fast food or microwave dinners. -I don't miss meat. Meat is just protein and fat, if you provide the body with a new protein & fat option, it won't crave meat. -Eating a vegan diet is so much fun. I get to be insanely creative and am always finding new ways to cook my veggies...but it can also be very simple. A mono-meal of bananas, watermelon, or oranges is great're digestive system needs a break every now and then. Try it! -I buy A TON of fruit :) -There are many reasons to start a plant based diet: environment, animal rights/conditions, tired of dieting, looking to clean up your diet, want more energy, or health. You don't have to wait to get sick to start. -Vegans don't eat ANY animal are in that category as are eggs. -I do enjoy food! I enjoy it now more than ever. I don't stress over calories, or carbs or protein. I eat an abundance of fantastic food. There is really nothing I dislike about my diet. 

Where do YOU get your protein? lol!!!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Lifestyle Udate! High-Raw Vegan!

So here we go!!!! I am super excited to give an update because most "diets" DO NOT last this long, I should be tired, hungry, pissed off, and gained weight! Nope...because this lifestyle works for HUMANS!! Are you a human? I think you are :) I don't care what your blood type is (according to my blood type I should be eating meat all day long), that we were "cavemen", that carbs make you fat, you need a lot of protein....I don't want to hear it, because I AM proof. (along with a gazillion other high-raw vegans). I went in to this journey thinking, ok...I will try for a few months see how it goes, maybe add dairy back in (I really don't care for meat, so that's not coming back), get bored with fruit, and so on...NOPE, not happening 7 months later I LOVE my lifestyle :) You cannot say it doesn't work...unless you tried it! I have done all 3- calorie counting-high protein, Standard American Diet, and the High Raw Vegan so I can compare and say what works for me.

What do I eat: I eat fruit all day! As much as I want as often as I want. Bananas have become my favorite food! I can eat anywhere from 4-6 in a sitting and about 10 during the day! I like to eat my fruit in little mono meals: 2-3 apples, followed by my bananas, wait a bit and have a few pears or a papaya! I love dates too!! Never ate them before this I buy them on a regular basis! I drink smoothies, not daily, probably every other day. I eat salad or some sort of veggie meal for lunch (unless I am working then I eat a fruit meal because it gives me more energy and it's easy to pack, lol)...and I mean HUGE! My salad is a large mixing bowl or serving bowl! For dinner I have a cooked vegan meal (sometimes 2 servings)! If I workout I eat a little extra almonds about a cup (I know, lots of calories...I don't care). My total calorie count is about 2700-3000 daily!!! I don't count to restrict...I count out of curiosity! Foods I eat: anything high raw-vegan. Fruit, veggies, nuts & seeds. Cooked foods: lots of potatoes, quinoa, veggies, brown rice, we don't like pasta so we don't eat it, vegan pizza (my fave) beans, and lentils. The goal of a Natural Hygiene Diet is to eat your food raw as often as possible. I do raw breakfast and lunch, and a cooked 
fruit with a cinnamon date sauce, coconut flakes, and walnuts

lunch for my hubby and I!

hummus and green veggie pizza!!
Am I bored with my diet: NO NO NO! I am always excited to eat my fruit...and very bummed when we run low. I usually buy more fruit towards the end of the week, especially bananas! We run out of fruit first, veggies second, and when we are desperate we eat the packaged foods, lol. Exact opposite of most people. I have NEVER felt so good in my life. I feel satisfied after I eat, if I want more I just eat it...I DO NOT worry about eating too much fruit. I get excited when I see a new fruit in the produce isle. My taste has changed completely, an apple has always tasted good...but now it tastes incredible! Really, I smile as I eat my fruit :) It just tastes so good. Before I liked LOVE fruit! Cooked meals are great, but I always include a salad with dinner, there's always room for more raw food!

My weight: I was not heavy or even close to heavy when I started this lifestyle...but I did watch what I ate, and struggled with sugar cravings. I would eat a high protein lunch (tuna, or chicken) and feel completely unsatisfied after, looking for something sweet immediately, and then trying to drink coffee to avoid over-eating on snacks :( I was bloated due to poor food combining and too much cooked food. I would eat dinner and think about what I would have for dessert while still eating! Now...I don't have sugar cravings. If I am out of fruit, I do eat a vegan snack (I am human), but it doesn't happen often, usually if I didn't eat enough during the day and am looking for quick energy! I have not gained a pound back since I started this lifestyle. I was ranging from 124-127, now I am 117 eating about 1000 more calories a day! My stomach is leaner and flatter than ever! I use to have cellulite, especially on the back of my thighs...almost gone :) Definitely not noticeable to others!

Girl stuff: My skin feels great, soft, and my "monthly" breakout is so much better!! I use to breakout right before my cycle and it would last forever! Now it is very minimal, and clears up fast! Speaking of monthly issues!! NO MORE PMS or cramps!! This happened after about 5 months! I really can't tell that my cycle is coming because I have no more "signs" like cramps, mood swings, bloating, etc. My cycle is so easy, no cramps at all!! REALLY!!!! I absolutely love this!!

How I feel about other diets: This is the hard part of the really begin to question why isn't everyone eating like this??? I mean, don't you want to feel amazing? Have no more weird cravings? cheese now sounds like something nasty and smells awful, and bread cravings are GONE!!! If I have bread-sticks with soup for dinner, they just don't give me the same high like they used to. I haven't craved a sandwich in months. I have little desire eat bread (I used to love bread toasted, I could eat a whole loaf). I don't really like it anymore. I pretty much get giddy in the produce isle and would rather buy a cart full of fruit! Other diets just don't seem to make sense. Counting calories, limiting fruit or carbs, eating "protein" with each meal. Why??? It doesn't make you feel satisfied. I know because I use to do this. Always feeling deprived, or drinking coffee to try to satisfy a sugar craving. Gaining weight or having to limit calories to avoid gaining weight. On the standard diet...calories do count. You will gain weight if you don't monitor your calories. On a high-raw vegan diet you don't limit your calories and you don't gain weight (you would have to eat a high fat diet...just about all nuts).

My workouts: Nothing has changed besides having lots of energy :) I am still exercising the same amount. I have not lost strength, speed or the desire to move. I actually feel fine. Most people will tell you this lifestyle is not made for athletes...wrong, it actually is designed for humans...and humans are designed to be athletes! If you are not moving (a lot) you are not doing what humans are designed to do! After a workout, I love to dig in to my fruit stash! I can tell you the body responds completely different to a fruit/veggie raw meal after exercise vs a protein cooked meal...I know because I have done both. After a fruit meal, I feel hydrated, full of energy, happy, and satisfied. After a cooked protein meal I would feel full (like heavy), tired (like a nap is in order), and not satisfied at all (in search for a snack or sugar). 

no lack of energy here!

So...that is my update! I can't wait to see what I feel like after a full year! I hear it gets even better ;)

Need a lifestyle change? Feel tired, gaining weight, can't control your cravings, no energy, not exercising? Contact me to learn more about the High-Raw Vegan Lifestyle :) How to make a smooth transition, how to eat based on the Natural Hygiene Diet! It makes all the difference.