Naturally Vegan Health & FitnessⓋ

Health & Wellness

Friday, March 15, 2013

Q & A everyday ;)

 As soon as the word Vegan came out of my mouth...the questions began. I really wasn't prepared to answer so many questions. Some of the most common one's, "where do you get your protein" and "what do you do for calcium" I understand, because people really don't know. Some other questions...they're kinda funny!!

Here goes:
What do you feed your child? Um...nothing why?
poor kid, lol!

You must miss meat so bad? Yes so badly. Yesterday was the first day I have gone without crying! Sometimes I sit curled in a ball yelling "why can't I just have my meat...whhhhyyyyy"! Oh wait...that's not true ;)
"waaaaa, I want my meat back"
Aren't you tired of eating vegan all the time? YES!!! I swear with the amazing variety of greens, veggies, fruit, potatoes, and beans...I am so bored :/ All I really want is a chicken nugget :( haha...just kidding :) boring :/
oh God....please no more boring veggies!!!!
Are you sick or  do you have an allergy? Yes, extremely. I went to this weird doctor who prescribed "food" as my medicine, lol. But really, is that the only reason people eat a plant-based diet??
feeling soooo much better! This medicine is incredible!!
You can't possibly be full after eating just fruit? nom, nom, nom, nom, nom....what? nom, nom, nom, nom....mmmm, I'm still hungry ;) just kidding, I'm full!

cantaloup will fill you right up!

What do you mean you buy A LOT of fruit? You know like a banana or two or 10, whatever:)
fruit stash
I was told that bananas make you fat. Don't you worry about gaining weight? Everyday. I am really concerned. Let me see what Banana Girl thinks:
"look how fat bananas made me"
You're a Vegan? Do You eat eggs or fish? Yes, lol, all the time ;) eggs or fish
Really? No cheese? Ever? let me think....nope. no cheese! And I am doing just fine :) I was recently diagnosed with "perfectly healthy" can you believe it!?!?!

Don't you want to just enjoy eating food? Nope. I want to hate every meal! 
wish my food was more enjoyable :(

and this??? oh God!!!!
Questions are great...but some are just funny! Here are my real answers if you were wondering, lol! -I feed my child food. Really good, healthy food. That is probably the thing I am most proud of. My child gets amazing home cooked meals every day! He isn't raised on fast food or microwave dinners. -I don't miss meat. Meat is just protein and fat, if you provide the body with a new protein & fat option, it won't crave meat. -Eating a vegan diet is so much fun. I get to be insanely creative and am always finding new ways to cook my veggies...but it can also be very simple. A mono-meal of bananas, watermelon, or oranges is great're digestive system needs a break every now and then. Try it! -I buy A TON of fruit :) -There are many reasons to start a plant based diet: environment, animal rights/conditions, tired of dieting, looking to clean up your diet, want more energy, or health. You don't have to wait to get sick to start. -Vegans don't eat ANY animal are in that category as are eggs. -I do enjoy food! I enjoy it now more than ever. I don't stress over calories, or carbs or protein. I eat an abundance of fantastic food. There is really nothing I dislike about my diet. 

Where do YOU get your protein? lol!!!

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