Naturally Vegan Health & FitnessⓋ

Health & Wellness

Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Birthday Blog~Let Go.

Today I turn 34. I think I have enjoyed my thirties more than the average woman, I LOVE being 30-something. I do not feel old, or 'mom-ish', I don't see myself as an 'older' woman, I feel young, full of energy, full of life and better than ever! So I thought I would share some thoughts with you on living simple and feeling great, it is all about letting go.

~~I have not always been this way. There was a brief time in my twenties when I was living in NY and really wanted to be 'fancy' lol. I cared a whole lot about looking a certain way, how expensive things were, and wanted to have more shoes and clothes than I would ever actually need.~~
The best thing that happened to me was discovering the organic food movement, which lead me to health & fitness! This ultimately taught me how little we actually need to be happy. How owning numerous pairs of shoes will NEVER create happiness. So, as I embraced my thirties, I also let go of what wasn't real, what wasn't necessary, and what would NOT lead me to a passionate, fulfilling life! This allowed me to think outside the box, look for ways to be a better person, and be some one I could be proud of!

~Let go of the WANT. This is not easy as we are bombarded by fashion magazines, reality TV, celebrities constantly telling us how to look, what to eat, and what to think! Take a look at how this over consumption of 'crap' affects the planet, how wasteful it is. Not to mention, none of these items will ever make you feel whole, complete, or successful. Society has driven this idea into our head that what we own = how happy we are. But to be honest with you,  the LESS junk you own the better you feel. Surrounding yourself with materialistic things will actually inhibit you from searching for what really makes you feel good.

~Let go of what others view as successful. This is something that in our cookie-cutter society we view as only one thing: one must have a 'real' job, 2 kids, big house with a garage, expensive cars, and lots of friends. To me this does not equal success. The only people, in my eyes, who are truly successful are those who live with passion, stand for something, and are able to live with an open mind. Let go...and find what makes YOU feel amazing!

~Let go of being popular or 'cool'. Be yourself, no matter how unpopular it makes you! Behaving just like everyone else or following the same path as everyone else is NOT living with passion or purpose! True friends and family will support you, will stand by you, and will encourage you to be YOU! Everyone else?...well, who cares!

~ Let go of the old you. The 'old' you was just a small step in finding the real you. Sometimes it takes many 'roles' to get there. You might have spent many years keeping up with friends, maintaining a 'look' or trying to be like everyone else, this was a necessary part of your growth. need to be able to let go. Move on, close that chapter of your life and take the next step towards a better YOU! Don't look back, don't fear what's ahead, just LET GO.

~Life is simple. Enjoy the small things, enjoy real things like nature, animals, & people. Don't be afraid to explore new things, as it will help you discover your purpose, or ignite a passion inside, you didn't know existed! Take care of your body, your health, and the ones you love!

So on this 34th year of my life...I continue to explore, continue to learn, and continue to find passion, purpose and success :)

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