6 Foods On The Naughty List
Doing a complete overhaul of your diet can be a bit scary. Many people just can't make such major changes all at once because they end up falling off the wagon FAST! So what they fall off the wagon? Well, the issue isn't just a little fall, usually they pick up ALL their bad habits and some new ones! That is the major problem with dieters. I can spot a dieter a mile away! They lose 5lbs and then gain back 15. They also look very bloated and puffy...an indicator they binged on salty-high fat foods because they are so hungry!!!
So to make it a bit easier, here is a list a foods on my naughty list! Remove one or two of these foods at a time, until you are eating clean :) The trick here is to NOT add them back in! Move on, change your lifestyle for the better!!
1. Dairy!!! I know, I know, how does one live without cheese???? lol! Easy actually millions of vegans do it daily :) Dairy is #1 on my list as it is completely unnatural for human consumption! I don't care that humans have been eating it for thousands of years...doesn't mean it is healthy to consume. Men have also raped women for millions of years...it doesn't make it right! So that reasoning needs to be thrown out the window! As we evolve, we are also understanding the science behind digestion and what causes major acidity in our blood, what causes mucus, and what causes cancer! Dairy is a huge component to many health issues...some minor ones like allergies or eczema,
and major ones like cancer! Give up dairy today!!
2. Processed meat! (well, all meat if you can)...but processed meat is a good place to start! Deli meats, hot dogs, bacon, meats in a can, are so extremely toxic!! They are major components to health problems in our society! They are highly processed, filled with chemicals, and loaded with salt & fat! Hot dogs and bacon have been a common link between those who have diabetes, obesity, and heart disease! The study in the journal Circulation linked consumption of processed meats to a 42 percent greater risk of heart disease and a 19 percent increased risk of type 2 diabetes, Agence France-Presse reported. Removing those from your diet is easy!!! Get creative with your veggies and make some yummy veggie sandwiches instead!
3. Soda!! I won't even get into it, lol! I feel like this is one of those things we should all know the dangers of! Loaded with sugar, corn syrup, toxins, chemicals, and so on! No one should be drinking soda...we know better! Diet soda is even worse...so yeah, don't drink that either!
4. Sports drinks are high on my list as well! They are NOT healthy and NOT needed for any athlete, don't let the highly paid-sponsored celebrity sell you this crap! The BEST sports drink is water or coconut water...plain and simple! Sports drinks are just a chemical concoction...filled with food coloring, HFCS, and more junk!
5. Frozen meals! Yes, Smart-Ones, Healthy Choice, Stouffers, Lean Cuisine, etc.! Get them out of your freezer NOW! If you are one of those people who thinks you are eating these to lose weight...guess what? It's not going to happen! These foods are s low in calories but high in sodium, preservatives, chemicals, and low quality ingredients, you will be bloated and hungry immediately after eating one! Low calorie processed foods are not the way to go when trying to lose weight...eat MORE healthy food and lose weight! The second thing about these is that you are having to use a microwave daily to eat these! There is so much info out there on the dangers of microwaves...please stay clear of them as much as you can! Instead make your own food! Or focus on eating raw food until dinner! Yes, eat raw fruit for breakfast, salads (huge ones) for lunch, and more fruit before dinner! This will help improve your digestion, lose weight, and keep your blood alkaline :)
6. Protein bars & shakes! YUCK!!! Stay away! Unless you can read and identify each ingredient, please don't consume these! There is this HUGE misconception that if you exercise AT ALL you need to fill up on protein! That is so so wrong and just plain old bad info! Does the body need protein to repair? Yes. Does it have to be a complete protein? NO. Does it have be eaten in large quantities'? NO! I don't eat bars or drink shakes and have never struggled with building muscle or staying lean! There is no such thing as a protein deficiency in our society. We are actually the opposite...we are consuming a very high protein diet, which is why we are suffering with disease! If you want a shake after a workout, try blending kale or spinach, water, and your favorite fruit like bananas, strawberries, or mangoes! Yummy and highly nutritious, if that won't refuel your body, then I don't know what will!
This is a great start! I could go on and on about cookies, candy, junk food, but we already know those foods are terrible! Focus on natural whole foods! Include more raw plants into your diet! Drink more water! Stay health, be happy :)