Don't worry, this is not some sort of crazy meat eating confession. Just some thoughts on the recent vegans gone meat-crazy! I have been following many vegan and raw vegan blogs for the past 2 years, many I enjoyed and read for inspiration. Lately these so called vegan bloggers are dropping like flies! It is quite sad but really I am not shocked! I will tell you why, but first lets go over the blogs!
Young & Raw went back to meat last year. The reason...well, she found health, used a vegan diet to feel her best, and decided not to stick with it. Makes sense right?!?!? Still, their website sells juice fasts, detox programs, all plant based. What I just don't understand is why on earth you would go backwards! If you feel great, sell plant based diets to all your followers, why not be the example? If your detox programs work for long term health, why are you not following them?
Rawlosophy went back to eating fish and other animal products...from my take it was because she just wanted too. She didn't want to restrict herself and she wanted to be a 'normal' person, lol! Her explanation was all about 'dogma', religion' and all sorts of other vegan hate.
Raw Food Rehab...well, apparently the high fat raw food diet has failed again! We all know this! We all speak about it on a regular basis! Those who follow a high fat raw diet always go back to eating animals as they don't thrive on the lifestyle and just fall off the wagon.
Carrie On Vegan. Another sad story. She actually created the app called VeganDelsh, and she had a strong presence on social media, but her 'vegan' diet seemed high fat, and she consumed a lot of oils. Many of us recommended she try to seek help from Dr. McDougall or Doug Graham before turning to meat, but she had already made up her mind!
The Blonde Vegan, the latest to leave the plant world and probably the weirdest one. She came on the scene about a year ago, her Instagram account got thousands of followers almost overnight. She really is or was a newbie on the vegan scene. She quickly took her huge following as a sign to cash in, making the TBV clothing line as well as monthly 'cleanse' programs. we are, less then a year later we find out she has an eating disorder, and a spot on GMA selling her story! The most unfortunate part is she could have gone to many of the well known vegan doctors and asked for guidance. Veganism does not promote eating disorders, and she could have still maintained her plant based diet while receiving some psychological help.
The reason why I am not shocked is because of a few things:
~A high fat vegan diet is designed to FAIL.
~Detox programs and cleanses will cause you to under eat, fell famished, and ultimately go back to animal products.
~Snake oil salesmen or 'online stores' can be a red flag. Many bloggers genuinely want to help others, but many also want to make money selling supplements, powders, and other 'super foods'! Social media is an incredible tool to reach millions of people from your living room. The down side of social media is that is it also a stepping stone for those looking for fame and attention!
~Most are not willing to try a vegan diet different than the one which failed them. They are very quick to turn to animal products. There are SO many vegan doctors and resources out there!! Why not try them all!?!?
How to know a vegan business is REALLY vegan?
~Try to follow them on their personal and business page if you can, it will give you an insight into their real lives
~Ask about their stance on animal rights and the vegan lifestyle
~Ask for vegan clothing/product recommendations
~Ask if they are just plant based or vegan
~If they adding honey to their recipes...they are not vegan. simple.
The good that came out of all this is that those who are proud to be vegan and work very hard promoting and building the lifestyle are still shining bright! Those who used the vegan label as a business opportunity quickly found it is not that simple. The lifestyle requires dedication to health, the planet, and the animals! All three work amazing well together! These situations also build a tighter bond in the vegan community! We know how incredible the lifestyle is, and we will work hard to keep the movement growing!
Here are some awesome vegan pages to follow:
~Sexy Raw Food & Fitness
~The Vegan Effect
~Freelee The Banana Girl
~Durian Rider
~Dr. McDougall
~Happy Healthy Vegan
Helping people is my passion and my approach to long term health is a low fat, high carb vegan lifestyle. I believe we must provide the body with the best plant food out there. I love to stay fit and enjoy all sorts of exercise, hula hooping being one of my favorites! I am a Certified Natural Health Practitioner and a Personal Trainer, I don't promote calorie restricting or over exercising. The body must be fueled and exercise should be a joy and not a chore.
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