Naturally Vegan Health & FitnessⓋ

Health & Wellness

Thursday, May 21, 2015

High carb living! Never diet again!

I call it the high life! Truly the most amazing lifestyle on the planet...and for the planet, hehe! High carbers would all agree there is no diet that compares, better energy, greater focus, clear headedness, slim, lean, and full of life!

What is high carb living? It is a vegan lifestyle consisting of high carb, healthy whole foods like fruit, veggies, and starches, with the avoidence of meat, dairy, and high fat foods like oil. What makes this lifestyle so appealing to many is the ability to eat as many calories as you wish, and most high carb coaches encourage you to eat MORE than ever! Why high calories? The body runs on fuel, without it, it does not function properly. It will begin to crave junk food, the body will feel tired and run down, coffee/caffiene cravings begin, you will start gaining weight, your metabolism will suffer and so will your mental state! Eating enough calories is extremely important. For most starting out on this lifestyle, learning to eat is the real challenge! Most come from a calorie restricting diet and a fear of weight gain, and understanding not to fear carbs and calories is not always so easy.

Life on high calories and carbs can I explain it...AMAZING! Really, though some think giving up meat, dairy and high fat foods may be difficult, it seriously isn't when you replace it with foods your body LOVES! Foods like rice, pasta, whole grains, fruit, soups, stews, cereal, oatmeal veggie pizza, veggie rolls, taco, burritos, I could go on and on...two words: BANANA ICECREAM!! Need I say more!?!?! I mean really, you can wake up and start your day with sweet and delicious banana icecream, or nicecream as we like to call it.

What are the benefits? Like I mentioned above, there are many perks of this lifestyle. The results are not a quick fix, I won't promise you will lose 30 pounds in 30 days...what I will promise you is results LONG TERM, which is what you should be looking for! Weight loss is the ultimate result, you will lose weight, some lose faster than others, but it will come off. You may also enjoy these other benefits:

-clear skin
-better energy
-improved digestion
-clear, bright eyes
-no more head fog
-improved fitness
-no junk food cravings
-better sleep
-improved overall health: lower cholesterol, prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes, prevent or reverse heart disease, prevent certain cancers
-improve the health of the PLANET
-prevent the slaughter and mistreatment of millions of animals

What does a day of a high carber look like?
Wake up feeling great! No need for coffee, we reach for our favorite fruits or lowfat cooked carbs...pancakes anyone?
If you don't exercise right now, that quickly changes, due to the natural high carbohydrates provide! Most of us will go walking, running, hiking, hit the gym, or just get out and play.
Snacks are always a must! Grab those blueberries, grapes, whole grain cereals, or make some potato crisps, and enjoy! No one should ever go hungry!!
Lunches and dinners are always the best! Huge salads full of your favorite veggies, roasted potatoes, corn on the cob, rice and beans, burritos, tacos...are you drooling yet? How about some cauliflower buffalo wings? There are so many options, but I find that you will have a handful of favorites and stick to those. This lifestyle has a magic way of cleaning up your taste buds. All of a sudden foods that you once though were bland, taste amazing!

Dessert? The strange thing is, you will no longer desire sweets after dinner! Once you are 'carbed up' and properly fueled with the right amount of calories, you will no longer desire sweets after dinner! Just like that!

So why are you still sitting there?? Get in your kitchen, rid your cabinets and fridge of toxic foods like meats, dairy, eggs, and junk, and start your new life! You won't regret it!

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