Naturally Vegan Health & FitnessⓋ

Health & Wellness

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Food, Fitness, & Happiness

Happy. One simple feeling, yet almost unattainable for so many. Being happy isn't just smiling, laughing, or looking a certain way. It is deeper than that. Our body and mind respond to how we live...for some of us happiness is the end result, for other it's misery.

Though there are many many factors when it comes to our happiness, there are simple things we can do to help make us feel so much better! Food, fitness, and our attitude towards life/people/situations are some major factors in creating a happier YOU!
Let's start with food.

Food is a HUGE part of our lives. We use it all day, and it either fuels us or destroys us! A diet full of alcohol, heavy in fatty food, animal products, and nutrient poor foods will greatly affect our mood, not just our weight. Food determines what kind of energy we have, how we move, how we sleep! The average person on the S.A.D diet, (with daily alcohol consumption), has trouble sleeping, feels bloated, lacks desire to exercise, and often suffers from depression or numerous diet related health issues. Diet is by far one of the most important factors to our happiness. When you eat well, you feel well! Eating food which gives you great energy, makes you feel light, and allows the body to heal, will naturally boost your mood!

...and a high energy diet leads to exercise!

Fitness is an antidpressant! Physical activity often makes us feel childlike. It is freeing and it feels GOOD! If you look at children, recess is the highlight of their day, a moment where they can move and stretch! Endorphins get released, our minds relax, the body awakens, and we truly feel incredible! For many, exercising daily is the key to keeping stress away and maintaining a positive outlook on their day! Fitness does not have to be a grueling workout, it can be the most simple form of play! Kicking a ball around, going for a walk, or just dancing around your house! When we release endorphins and begin to feel good, our outlook on life tends to be more positive!

...which leads me to our attitudes!

Staying positive 24/7 is not realistic. We all have good and bad days, though, many people consistently have bad days and a negative outlook on everything. Positive thoughts, and positive words, attract a positive LIFE! Spending endless hours being passive aggressive, negative, and mean spirited creates massive chaos in our bodies, even when those words are not targeted at ourselves. The energy we release towards others, gets returned right back to us in many forms. You cannot have a happy life with a negative mind. Loving oneself and finding inner peace requires a positive mindset. Take a moment, pause, and be grateful! Clear your mind of stituations which are not your business and don't spend time being consumed by other people's lives or problems! When we remove negative nonsense from our minds, we make space for more postive and useful thoughts!

Help your life stay on a path to happiness by by fueling properly, moving your body, and adjusting your mindset! These 3 very simple steps will drastically improve your life!

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