Naturally Vegan Health & FitnessⓋ

Health & Wellness

Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Birthday Blog~Let Go.

Today I turn 34. I think I have enjoyed my thirties more than the average woman, I LOVE being 30-something. I do not feel old, or 'mom-ish', I don't see myself as an 'older' woman, I feel young, full of energy, full of life and better than ever! So I thought I would share some thoughts with you on living simple and feeling great, it is all about letting go.

~~I have not always been this way. There was a brief time in my twenties when I was living in NY and really wanted to be 'fancy' lol. I cared a whole lot about looking a certain way, how expensive things were, and wanted to have more shoes and clothes than I would ever actually need.~~
The best thing that happened to me was discovering the organic food movement, which lead me to health & fitness! This ultimately taught me how little we actually need to be happy. How owning numerous pairs of shoes will NEVER create happiness. So, as I embraced my thirties, I also let go of what wasn't real, what wasn't necessary, and what would NOT lead me to a passionate, fulfilling life! This allowed me to think outside the box, look for ways to be a better person, and be some one I could be proud of!

~Let go of the WANT. This is not easy as we are bombarded by fashion magazines, reality TV, celebrities constantly telling us how to look, what to eat, and what to think! Take a look at how this over consumption of 'crap' affects the planet, how wasteful it is. Not to mention, none of these items will ever make you feel whole, complete, or successful. Society has driven this idea into our head that what we own = how happy we are. But to be honest with you,  the LESS junk you own the better you feel. Surrounding yourself with materialistic things will actually inhibit you from searching for what really makes you feel good.

~Let go of what others view as successful. This is something that in our cookie-cutter society we view as only one thing: one must have a 'real' job, 2 kids, big house with a garage, expensive cars, and lots of friends. To me this does not equal success. The only people, in my eyes, who are truly successful are those who live with passion, stand for something, and are able to live with an open mind. Let go...and find what makes YOU feel amazing!

~Let go of being popular or 'cool'. Be yourself, no matter how unpopular it makes you! Behaving just like everyone else or following the same path as everyone else is NOT living with passion or purpose! True friends and family will support you, will stand by you, and will encourage you to be YOU! Everyone else?...well, who cares!

~ Let go of the old you. The 'old' you was just a small step in finding the real you. Sometimes it takes many 'roles' to get there. You might have spent many years keeping up with friends, maintaining a 'look' or trying to be like everyone else, this was a necessary part of your growth. need to be able to let go. Move on, close that chapter of your life and take the next step towards a better YOU! Don't look back, don't fear what's ahead, just LET GO.

~Life is simple. Enjoy the small things, enjoy real things like nature, animals, & people. Don't be afraid to explore new things, as it will help you discover your purpose, or ignite a passion inside, you didn't know existed! Take care of your body, your health, and the ones you love!

So on this 34th year of my life...I continue to explore, continue to learn, and continue to find passion, purpose and success :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A new vegan bite at a time!

I know what most people think when I talk about my's way to difficult & restrictive, how do I know it works for weight loss, and it sounds boring, lol! The thing is...there is so much joy in this lifestyle :) Many people have such a great experience, and usually stay on it long term! What was that you asked about weight loss?????

Here is my interview with a mainstream foodie gone VEGAN!!!

Meet Liz, mom and wife...check out her amazing transformation and her new vegan GLOW :)

Check out that smile! Glowing and happy!

What encouraged you to go Vegan?
I heard quite a bit about Vegan lifestyles and watched a documentary on Netflix called, Vegucated. I was really at my whits end with my weight and felt uncomfortable in my own skin. I gave myself a week to try it... after that I liked it so much, I gave myself another week... and another...until after 1 month I had lost almost 12lbs, and thought, okay, lets try one more month!
Do you exercise?
I do! I started doing P90X but realized it was alot of strain on my knee and back (historically, I have problems in these two areas and knew I needed to lose weight to help with this!), so my husband and I modified the program to work best for us and our schedule.
If so, Whats your favorite workout?
Cardio! I love to dance!
What non-vegan food do you miss the most?
Chicken Wings!
Did you do alot of research prior to making the transition?
The only research I did was talking with Ewa and watching the documentary Vegucated. After I decided to try it out for a week was when I really started doing more research because I was hungry and wanted to make sure I was eating the right foods.
Whats your favorite vegan meal?
Eggplant Roasted with garlic, mushrooms, onion & kale.
How long have you been on this lifestyle and can you see yourself doing it long term?
I started in March 2013, and have enjoyed every minute since. I could never see myself going back to the way I used to eat or feel before. I have no doubt this is long term for me!
What do you like and dislike about it?
Likes: The way it makes me feel. I used to feel so bloated, depressed, anxious about my weight and the food I was consuming had a huge impact on my health and wellbeing. I no longer feel this way. I feel full, energetic, and happy! I also LOVE to cook now. This was a huge bonus for me in changing to this lifestyle, I never cooked prior to going vegan, and now I love to!
Dislikes: The need to seek out vegan options when going out to eat. I think there should be more vegan and/or healthier options. I have a website that I use called "" that gives you a list of restaurants in the area you choose that are vegan, raw and/or  healthier options. So this is helpful! Another dislike is how much people ask me how I get my protein, essential vitamins, etc and how uneducated people are about this lifestyle. It does, however, urge me to do more research to be able to educate and feel confident in my choice!
What advice can you give to those who think this lifestyle doesn't work or is too difficult to follow?
Try it! If it doesnt work, go back to the old way. But the old way isn't working, so why not try something new? We all fall into the idea that fad diets are the way to go... We want instant results and we get frustrated when they don't stick longer than a month. This lifestyle is a change in how we think about ourselves, animals, and the planet. Its truly a compassionate lifestyle, and being good to ourselves is something we all want to do. And this is an example of doing good to your body that I take pride in. I have never been happier with the way I look, the way I feel, the way I have grown in making a choice to life a healthier, happier life. I'm a huge foodie, and I thought I had tried everything under the sun, and had NEVER tried Kale! People think Vegan eating is so closed off; when in actuality, I have eaten more of a variety of foods then I ever did before. Its worth it, and your body will thank you.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Food, Friends & Family

"So...are you still vegan"? A question friends like to ask, followed by..."Well, we've been eating meat for centuries so I don't see anything wrong with it" Awesome, thanks for sharing :) I just can't imagine asking anyone..."Are you still eating meat & dairy"? Which I might just start doing...totally random too ;)

Is food the new "politics"? Is it meat-eaters vs vegans? I haven't given this much thought...even though every vegan blog, page, and forum recommends surrounding yourself with 'like-minded' people...hmmm I wonder why?? Should friends part ways and families no longer have dinner together because of our food choices? I would hope not!

In your lifetime you will make many changes, whether it's divorce, diet, exercise, religion, and even politics...because we are human and change is good and sometimes needed. I chose to be vegan not to lose friends and family, but because during THIS part of my life it is needed. I am young, healthy, active and want to stay this way for a long time. As I see more and more young people developing Cancer, Diabetes, very overweight, and taking numerous medications, I really questioned the American lifestyle.

Is NOT eating meat and dairy really that weird? I know numerous people who have dairy allergies, or don't eat meat, or only eat fish, organic only, or are gluten free, etc. So why do friends and family find the vegan diet so crazy. Maybe it makes them question their own diet and health? I think so!

What our friends and family don't understand is how we appreciate any support...which is why many of us join groups, follow other vegans, and forums. We want to feel normal, not made fun of or questioned constantly. Is it a defense mechinism? Do people behave this way because their own insecurities? I think so!

It is upsetting to be questioned all the time, or starred at while I eat, or told I am eating unhealthfully (because fruits & veggies will kill me, lol). I have never experienced so many new 'experts' in nutrition and the human diet since I've gone vegan, lol! EVERYONE is now an expert, even those living on soda, frozen dinners, and poptarts are some how more educated on diet than I am! It is crazy...I just want to eat and be happy :)

So, why not embrace your friends and family member's new lifestyle! Watch how good they feel, see how great they look, see how happy they are...these are all good things! Don't discourage them! Do some research and educate yourself, get familiar with what they are doing! Skip all the jokes at dinner, or don't NOT invite them out because they don't eat the same as you (trust me, we are always prepared), don't question their health when they are HEALTHY!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Calories and Fitness~ life as a high carb, low fat vegan!

Like most women I have counted, cut, and pretty much cried over calories!! They run or ruin most of our lives! We spend meal after meal, snack after snack calculating and then cutting :( Does it work? NO!!! Here are my thoughts on calorie restriction:

1. They don't take into account where your calories are coming from? A bag of skittles or a bowl of fruit? Some would argue if the calorie count is the same you can choose either option. I say you have lost your mind! I used to be fooled by this crazy idea 'calories in vs. calories out' until I began to eat for health! I switched to a low fat/high carb vegan diet which allowed me to eat about 1000 calories EXTRA, especially when I eat high raw! I think they need to be more specific with the calorie restricting...*only for those eating UNHEALTHY FOODS. If you don't know what healthy food is, Google it! Go to google images and type in 'healthy food' and then do the same for 'unhealthy food' :) Easy! This is what I got when I entered 'unhealthy food'
as you can see...most of it is pizza, burgers, fries, candy, junk! lots of meat & cheese!

and this for 'healthy food'
as you can see...most of it if fruit, veggies and grains!

2. When you calorie restrict (in order to eat unhealthy foods) you are creating this horrible feeling that food is bad and we need to reduce the intake :( Well...that is just silly!! REAL FOOD is not bad, your body requires food to live! The only thing that is bad is YOUR choice! If you choose to eat junk food you will have to cut and restrict, other wise weight-gain is the end result (not to mention a crap load of health problems). You don't want to feel hungry and deprived all the time. That is very un-natural! Food is fuel, you can choose the type of fuel you are using...therefore there results will be very different.

and 3. I must workout every day, all day! NO!!!! I get this comment anytime I tell people how much I eat. I am also told it's because I am young with no kids...WRONG!!! I am not a twenty-something year old, (I will be 34 this month) I have a child, and I am not a slave to fitness!! Here's look into my calories and fitness:

I teach Spin class twice a week, I do my squats (100) daily (it takes a few minutes),  I hula hoop randomly, as I feel like it, and I do 1 or 2 at home workouts a week. So...usually that equals to 4 days a week. Sometimes I go walking with my husband, nothing crazy though! I wouldn't call my workout routine insane or too intense. I think  ANY person could do the same, I have also NOT added or changed my workout since going vegan! Well...the squats are new...but I also decreased 1 class a week, so it evens out! I don't believe in spending hours a day, every day training (unless you enjoy it). I train at a moderate level, and I do workouts that I enjoy! Some days are more intense...some days are very mellow :) There are times when I don't feel like I don't!!
I do believe we need to be active, get our heart rates up, and move as often as we can! Not for weight, but for health! We need to get the blood flowing and oxygen into the body. I don't understand when people say they hate to can that be??? Exercise can be so many things, hiking, walking, biking, running, swimming, sports, dance, strength training, etc. There is something out there for everyone!

My daily diet:

I ALWAYS start my day with a fruit meal. I mono eat because I love it! I can just eat and enjoy the fruit, and I know when I have had enough! So, it could be an entire pineapple, or 6-8 bananas, or any other fruit. I eat until I feel satisfied. If I am hungry a few hours after, I eat another mono meal of fruit or make a smoothie! The calorie count for breakfast can be 600+ calories depending on the fruit, and my 'snack' is usually about 400 calories or more.
Lunch is another fruit meal or a large salad. I like to use a serving bowl for my salad, NO SIDE DISHES ALLOWED!!! I hate that we use a side dish for salads...why??? Shouldn't we be filling up on fresh veggies??? So my lunch can easily equal about 800+ calories, again depending on the fruit or salad. If I add avocados the calorie and fat will go up, if I add seeds it will as well!
If you add up the calories I am at 1800...and now for dinner:
I like to have a salad with dinner, usually in a large soup bowl or serving bowl. Dinner is some sort of high carb meal with lots of steamed or roasted veggies, potatoes, pasta, brown rice, or quinoa. I don't know the exact breakdown of my dinner calories...but I know it is a lot! Probably 1000+.

This is a breakdown of one day (it was a Friday and low on fruit, so I ate small amounts of different fruit, lol, at work)
Smoothie: 366 cal
Grapes: 220 cal
4 Oranges: 320 cal
2 bananas: 220 cal
3 apples: 285 cal
Total so far 1411...without dinner!! I didn't calculate dinner because it is a pain in the butt...
4 potatoes (large) boiled and topped with red pasta sauce (about 1 cup)
2 cups steamed Broccoli
Large salad (kale, tomatoes, onions, corn, cucumbers, red peppers,with lime juice and pepper)
That's a large meal :) If you want to know how many calories, just google each ingredient and you can get an average count. I just hate doing it, lol! (and I like to have a second serving of potatoes usually)
If I estimate my dinner at a low, 800 calories, my daily intake is it my dinner is 1000+ calories then it would be 2400+. That day I probably had a second serving of potatoes so it is higher ;)
I looked up my caloric intake based on my weight/height: 1780cals to maintain my weight, and 1068-1424 to lose weight! WOW!! To maintain my weight...I would have to make a dinner with only 300 calories :( Not possible! I would be so hungry!! To lose weight...I couldn't eat anything after lunch, lol!
So if you can see...I have lost and maintained my weight eating way over 2000 calories a day, usually closer to 2500-2800!!! I don't exercise like crazy, I don't starve myself, I don't focus on restricting! I focus on enjoying exercise, and then fueling my body with high energy, clean food. I keep my fat down, and carbs up!

Friday, June 7, 2013

~Frequently Asked Questions~

~Frequently Asked Questions~

Do I get sick of eating so much fruit? Absolutely not! The amazing thing about eating fruit is that you actually want it, need it, and crave it. The more you eat the more you want! It is the most natural & perfect food for humans. Once you clean up your taste palate you will enjoy fruit, and eat it in abundance! I thought the same thing when I first read 80-10-10, who can eat so many bananas or mangoes?? Then I began my journey and discovered I CAN, lol!
eat fruit :)

Where do you get your protein? Every time I hear this question a part of me dies, lol! Not because it is a bad question, but because we have been taught to only view protein as an animal product! Hmmm....wonder why?!?! Fruits/veggies/grains all contain some protein, it may not all be complete, but as long as I eat a variety of food I will ALWAYS eat all the essential amino acids I need! There is no such thing as a protein deficiency. It does not exist! Even if you eat only bananas or oranges, you are eating some protein...making a deficiency very difficult to come by!

Do I eat raw food all day? I eat a high raw diet. That means I eat raw fruit all day until dinner. I enjoy eating mono meals. For example, I will have 6-8 bananas for breakfast, then in about 2-3 hrs have a fruit snack like 4 apples or whatever fruit is in season. For lunch I like to eat another fruit mono meal, mangoes are awesome, or cherries (when in season). Dinner usually is a large salad with kale/spinach/romaine or any other green, and a high carb/starch cooked meal. I love potatoes, brown rice, couscous, or Quinoa (though it is a protein so I need to add more carbs to the meal). I also make soups, and pizza! I ALWAYS eat vegan and high carb! 

why do people gain weight eating carbs on the S.A.D (Standard American Diet)? People don't actually gain weight from carbs. They gain weight on the standard American diet because they add a lot of fat, sugar, and animal protein to their carbs. I make pizza for dinner often, we use no cheese, no oil, no meat...just veggies! There is a huge difference, though both pizzas would be categorized as carbs. Also, on top of eating a high fat diet, many people think carbs are doughnuts, cookies, chips, snacks, etc., but those are really fats & sugars, highly processed. They should not be called carbs. If people would reduce their fat intake to 10% of their calories they would lose weight, if they decrease their protein intake as well to 10% of their calories they would lose weight. 

Do I supplement to make up for not eating meat & dairy? No way! I believe my diet is very high in nutrients so vitamins are not necessary. I didn't take supplements on the S.A.D. so I definitely don't need them now! If I wasn't feeling well I would get blood work done, maybe it would give me an idea of what I am missing from my diet. Chances are if I am not absorbing nutrients well, it means I need to increase my raw food intake and reduce my cooked food intake. Keep in mind the vitamin/supplement industry is a HUGE money maker...yet no one taking supplements is actually healthy! If we could take supplements and be healthy, we would have far fewer sick people in this country. Supplements are also acid forming in the unless you can get a raw food organic supplement, I would skip it! 

Why vegan? I get this question a lot...even though there are millions of vegans in this world. It is not so uncommon any more. I chose this lifestyle because it made the most sense to me. I don't feel good about the way we treat the animals we eat or the dairy we eat/drink. Not only are these foods not necessary, but they come with all sorts of health problems, pollution, and cruel behavior. I do believe in karma, so eating meat of an animal that has been through these horrible living conditions, tortured, listened to the screams of it's own species being murdered, or milked to death, does not still well with me. They say you are what you eat...I don't want to have tortured, sick, unhealthy food in my body. Karma. Maybe that is way so much disease has come from animal products. A vegan diet can provide me with everything I need and it is yummy :) 

How does my family feel about my lifestyle? I am VERY lucky because my husband also eats a vegan diet! He use to love meat...a lot. Once he tasted some of my cooking he decided he was ok with eating vegan at home, and after doing dome research and a bad reaction to a meat dinner over the holidays, he decided to go vegan 100%! My son struggles with it, as I imagine any 9 yr old would after eating the S.A.D. He has issues with dairy already. so we were limiting his intake before we went vegan. At home he eats vegan, when he is out of the home he does not :( 

Does everybody lose weight on a vegan diet? Yes and no. Most people will lose weight when they make a drastic change in their diet, but the weight will come back or you won't lose a lot if you keep the fat high. Many vegans eat a ton of nuts, olives, avocados, and oils. Not only is a high fat diet unhealthy, but it will not get you to your 'natural' weight. The closer you are to our natural diet, the closer you will be to your natural weight. This type of high fat diet requires calorie restricting...which is not healthy!

What food do I miss most? I don't miss anything! Honestly, I can make any meal taste amazing and keep the fat low, carbs high! I have made stuffed peppers, lasagna, spaghetti, 'meatballs', soups, pizzas, etc. I have also eaten this way for over 8 months so my taste has adjusted. I no longer enjoy dressings on my salad, just a squeeze of lemon/lime and seasonings. I don't crave cake or doughnuts, or ice cream. BUT if I want, I can create a version of these things and stay in the 80/10/10 range!

Vegan lasagna!

Will fruit make me fat? LOL!!! No. fat makes you fat, cookies make you fat, cheese makes you fat, steak makes you fat. Fruit makes you a lean bean :)

Me on a high fruit diet!!! No fat anywhere to be found :)
Any more questions?